A Clean Slate

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I’ve upgraded to Typo, a blogging tool written in Ruby on Rails. Writing and maintaining my own blogging tool was a great opportunity for me to teach myself Spring and Hibernate, as well as increase my overall J2EE/webapp skills, but the cost of keeping this tool up-to-date eventually became too high, and I could no longer keep up with things like comment spam, blacklists, etc.

I’ll discuss more about the upgrade later. I’m also in the process of creating a new theme, so bear with this vanilla look.

At the end of the day, I really hope using Typo (or any other tool in the same class) will make writing so effortless that I can plug myself back into the conversation known as the blogosphere (not a term I like, but you get the picture).

About Me

Hey there. My name is Carter Rabasa and I am a husband and father of two beautiful daughters Catherine and Emily. I live in Seattle, WA.