Spam Via HTTP

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I suspected this before, but now that I’m analyzing my HTTP logs, I can’t believe how many SPAM bots are out there trying (in vain) to invoke common CGI scripts on my website to send SPAM. Here is a list of the most common URI’s attempted (which all 404)

  • /cgi-bin/form.cgi
  • /cgi/formonly.cgi
  • /cgi-bin/
  • /cgi-bin/
  • /cgi-bin/form2mail.cgi
  • /cgi/formmail
  • /cgi-bin/formmail.cgi
  • /cgi-bin/
  • /cgi-bin/
  • /cgi-bin/

There are more, but you get the gist. Mother f’ers.

About Me

Hey there. My name is Carter Rabasa and I am a husband and father of two beautiful daughters Catherine and Emily. I live in Seattle, WA.