Bug #184729 Fixed
I sent my friend Sarah a perma-link to a post I wrote about the war. It was easier than explaining how I felt over IM. Much to my dismay, she told me she got an error page when she clicked on the link. After some investigation, I discovered I was improperly formatting the date.
private final SimpleDateFormat datetime =
new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy hh:mm");
... became this:
private final SimpleDateFormat datetime =
new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy HH:mm");
Notice the uppercase H’s in the bottom. Lower case mean the hour is treated as 0-12. Uppercase means the hour is treated as 0-23. God, I hate those type of bugs.
About Me

Hey there. My name is Carter Rabasa and I am a husband and father of two beautiful daughters Catherine and Emily. I live in Seattle, WA.
- @cubanlinks on Twitter